Morgan Academy, DundeeSpring colours and a stormy sky to bring you a new version of Morgan Academy. The Morgan’s towering chimneys and spires can be seen from many viewpoints around the city. It’s a building of tremendous architectural significance, designed in 1862 by Edinburgh architects John Dick Peddie and Charles Kinnear.Available in 2 sizes ready for you to add a mount and frame. Get in touch if you’d like something larger or you’d like me to frame it ready for collection.
Glasgow School of Art LB100 I felt entitled to reflect my memories of the Rennie Mackintosh Building having studied at Glasgow School of Art for 4 years in the 70’s in the building directly opposite! We had a great view of students running up and down the steps, and crashing through the “In” and “Out” doors probably on their way to and from the art school shop in the basement. I can remember the smell of the Lino and the wooden panels, the sound of the creaky floor boards and the big fire doors (ironically) swinging open and closed as we made our way through the plaster cast lined corridors. Remember the echoes in the stairs leading up to the Hen Run and that secret dark library we felt honoured to use. I left gaps in my drawings to show the unfinished nature of the building now and repeated my version of the little bird on the cage way, way up on the rooftop…….pleasant memories. Available now in my shop!!
LB 113 Spires of DundeeI like to rearrange Dundee slightly…this is a very popular view of some well loved rooftops and spires we still have in our city centre. Don’t you just love these colours! See my shop to buy your own print!
DC Thomson Building The iconic DC Thomson building a shinning star in the city centre. A Signed Limited Edition print on archival paper super large ready for you to frame or an A3 print. Go to my shop!Just contact me please via the contact page.
The Old Post Office on Ward Road DundeeThis beautiful building has been lying empty for many years now - it’s a superb example of the lavish days of wealth in Dundee. Makes a beautiful print. Go to my shop and pick up one for your wall!
The Castle on the TayA different view of this iconic castle standing at the mouth of the River Tay! Perhaps this is the view sen from the cruise ships as they set off on their Scandinavian visits.See my shop for your copy!
Broughty Ferry Castle in Blue These zinging twilight colours had me trying a different combination on my canvas. Head over to my shop to order a signed limited edition on beautiful archival paper ready to frame.
Broughty Ferry Castle Cream LB61A different view of our well loved Broughty Ferry Castle at the mouth of the estuary. Cruise ship views? Many tourists tell me this is by far the most interesting approach to a port on the Scottish cruises! See my shop as you can choose a colour that suits your wall best.
Broughty Ferry Castle with Style A contemporary landscape - something different that looks amazing as a signed limited edition print on archival paper available in my shop.
St Andrews Royal & Ancient View at MidnightColours reach out to me ……make me try the same composition in a different colour way. Head to my shop if you like these midnight shades.
St Andrews Old Course Summer LB58This is my take on a popular St Andrews view - my Summer version with a subtle blue sky.Available as a Signed Limited Edition print on archival paper and as a card.
A Portrait of DundeeThis is an early line drawing of our city skyline backed by the Law and bordered by the Tay. Available as prints and a large card handy as a retirement/going away gift - go to to my shop!
Wee Mexico, Perth Road, DundeeDon’t you just love this building! Drawn when the paint was peeling slightly and not in the vibrant colours as it now is! See my shop for your copy!
The Bandstand on Magdalen GreenMy best selling view of the Bandstand on Magdalen Green. I love to reflect the gentle sloping hills of Fife in the still water of the Tay. I see this view every day from my window but you’ll have to see my shop for your copy!
Dundee University LB31 A view I expect the University students are familiar with as they walk into town down the Perth Road. See my shop to make your choice.
Dundee Waterfront LB32 This composition was designed to highlight the cycle path along our new waterfront. Can you spot the cyclists in Sunny Dundee? Get your copy from my shop!
Dundee Sinderins, Perth Road meets Blackie LB30 A popular view capturing the friendly atmosphere of the Westend as we wander along the Perth Road at Sinderins. See my shop for your copy!
The Ship Inn Broughty FerryA different view of the new waterfront with the steps where swimming is made so much easier when the tide comes in. Happy memories in the making. Go to my shop to make a lovely gift purchase for a friend!
St Andrews Royal & Ancient View on the green.A beautiful signed limited edition on archival paper available in my shop.
V&A in Dundee LB30 It’s a stunning building adding a touch of modern class to our new waterfront. Over lockdown it was great to see so many Dundonians walk the walk around this iconic building bringing back the habit of an afternoon stroll in those months of Sundays! Pick up a card in a local gift shop to invite your friends back to Dundee! Order a larger print for one of those hard to buy for men in your lives! This is a digital print of an original collage and ink drawing.Go to my shop and order a copy!
Union Street Turquoise View LBO5 I love this view of Union Street old and new. This is a digital print of an original collage and ink drawing.Go to my shop to order a copy!
McManus Montage LB06 A montage of the best bits of The McManus - Dundee’s Art Gallery & Museum. Only available as a mini print better known as a postcard designed to fit a photo frame. Pick three postcards to fit in a triple print frame?
Groucho's and The Nether Inn LB07 The iconic building that will always be thought of as Groucho’s Music Store even though it’s long since closed but enjoying a new beginning as a Music Bar.You like this one for that difficult man pressie!! Head to my shop!
Groucho's Music Crowd LB08 This building once pulsed with music on vinyl and Dundonian’s from all around queued to find their music heroes.IYou like this one for that difficult man pressie!! Head to my shop!
Groucho's Pastel View LB09 These three mini prints look good together even as postcard size!Head over to my shop to check out some prints!
LB10 The Palais! South Tay Street, DundeeMany Dundonians treasure memories of the nights that they danced away at the Palais in the sixties!! Happy days!This print is not in my shop so just email me if you’d like a copy!
Agacan Dancers! LB11 I love this place! Dundee’s very own unique little Turkish Restaurant on the Perth Road! Its covered in the stunning art work, hand applied in his own quirky style by Zeki! Who can resist! Pick your version in my shop!
LB12 Mennies (The Speedwell Bar) Perth Road We all love Mennies on the Perth Road. Memories are made here! I’ve tried to capture a little of the ambience.It’s available in my shop!
Kist on the Perth Road LB14 Kist on the Perth Road, a favourite gift shop with a difference. Mairi has made this so special, both for local artists to have their work beautifully displayed and for customers picking their way around the Westend. It’s a little gem.I can offer a digital print or a card or mini print (postcard) but it’s not in the shop so just email me for a copy.It’s available as small or large card, an A4 mounted print, an A3 mounted print. These are ready for you to frame and are standard frame sizes - just get in touch via the contact button.
Morgan Academy, Stobswell, Dundee LB 15 This spectacular building sits proudly amongst the trees in Stobswell, Dundee.This is a digital print of an original collage and ink drawing.Take your pick in my shop!
Perth Road Rosy Glow LB 16 I love the way the Perth Road winds its way out of town! Here’s my artist view with rosy paper carefully selected and torn by hand from magazines. This is a digital print of an original collage and ink drawing.See my shop for sizes!
Le Freak Record Store LB17 A little gem of a shop beginning its journey on the Perth Road.Miniprint or A4 available but contact me by email for this one.
Perth Road in Pink, Dundee LB18 I love this area of the Perth Road - I’ve rearranged it slightly and added a bit of pink!This is a digital print of an original collage and ink drawing.See my shop for details or contact me by email.
The Bach Restaurant Albert Square Dundee. LB19 The Bach, Albert Square Dundee - A New Zealand styled Restaurant becoming a Dundee favourite!This is a digital print of an original collage and ink drawing.
The Queens Hotel, Perth Road, Dundee LB 20 I’m fascinated by this crazy building…what a nightmare to draw! So many happy marriages celebrated here over the years! Makes a lovely anniversary present!This is a digital print of an original collage and ink drawing.
Golden Malmaison LB21 This is a digital print of an original screen print, collage and ink drawing. If yo’d like a version with “Tay Hotel” over those fabulous glass doors just drop me an email.
Whitehall Street Domes LB21 Just my favourite Dundee view! This is a digital print of a very early, collage and ink drawing.
V&A Autumn Leaves LB22 Dundee old and new with autumn leaves. This is a digital print of an original collage and ink drawing.Contact me by email if you’d like a
Penguins in Dundee LB 23 These little guys often get dressed in cute outfits and I’ve pictured them from a different angle with my favourite view of the domes of Whitehall Street in the background.This is a digital print of an original collage and ink drawing.
LB 24 Yellow V&A Dundee from Union Street I love to see the new next to the old buildings as here looking down Union Street.This is a digital print of an original collage and ink drawing.Let me know by email if you’d like a copy.
St Paul's Spire LB26 The beautiful spire of St Pauls can be seen from all over the city of Dundee.This is a digital print of an original collage and ink drawing.Let me know if you want a copy
LB25 Red Bandstand, Magdalen Green.The Bandstand on Magdalen Green.This is a digital print of an original collage and ink drawing.It’s available in my shop. Pick your size and receive it direct to your address ready for you to frame I use standard frame sizes -head over to my shop!
Groucho's and Wee Mexico Together LB33 Cuteness on the Perth Road. This square image is available as a large Canvass (80cm square) Only one left!Let me know if you want a copy as it’s a square print -
Dundee Riverside Drive LB 34 Its’ a favourite walk discovered in lock down. Try it out! Walk into town from Bridgeview restaurant to the V&A or Discovery and have coffee as you arrive! If you’d like a print you’ll have to email me as it’s not in my shop.
Broughty Ferry in Blue LB 35 I’ve worked a little more freely with this one. I was perched on a stool drawing out on the pier looking back into town. Drawing outside makes you work more quickly! Available as limited edition signed print if you contact me by email to arrange as it’s not in my shop.
Broughty Ferry in Yellow LB 36 A quick collage and ink drawing from the pier looking in to where the old red telephone box used to stand. There’s some beautiful new stone steps along this stretch now. Available as a limited edition signed print if you contact me by email to arrange as it’s not in my shop.
Broughty Ferry Arch and the lifeboat pier. LB 37 A collage and ink drawing celebrating this new feature on the Broughty Ferry Waterfront. Contact me if you’d like a print as it’s not in my
LB38 Shape of my HEARTDrawn to celebrate this new feature on Broughty Ferry Waterfront. Contact me if you’d like a print as this one’s not in my shop.
Broughty Ferry Waterfront alfresco. LB39 A collage and ink drawing with a different view looking east along the new waterfront route in Broughty Ferry. If you’d like a copy please email me
LB 40 DC Thomson McManus CornerDon’t you love a wander down Reform Street to enjoy the view from The Counting House? If you’d like a print you’ll need to email me as it’s not in my
City Centre Stroll LB 41 Such a lovely view of the McManus from Commercial Street.If you’d like a print you’ll have to email me as its not in my
Golden Perth Road LB42 Available as an A4 print or A6 card. I find so many ways to depict my favourite wander up the Perth Road.If you’d like a print you’ll have to email me as its not in my
Drinks At The Wine Press LB43 Hints of summer evenings drinking wine al fresco at the Wine Press.Not available in the shop but just email me if you’d like a print.
Whale on the Waterfront LB44 The Whale on the Tay and our beautiful waterfront…a new look for Dundee.If you’d like a print of this one just email me on
The Wine Press in the Shadow of St Pauls LB 45I’m attracted to this view of St Pauls behind the Wine Press captured in collage! You won’t find this in my shop but if you’d like a print just email me - let me know that number LB 45Lindabeedrawsdundee@gmail
City Centre Amber & Ice LB 46 Loving the contrast of spires on the skyline, the Law, the people out shopping in the town. This one’s not in the shop so if you’d like a print let me know: City Centre Amber & Ice LB 46Lindabeedrawsdundee@gmail