Walking smartly across a little square. (I like to walk with intent as I believe that keeps the would be pick pockets and lonesome fellows from approaching me.) I think I hear my name and suddenly recognise my friend Hugo. He’s calling me by his pet Barcelona name for me “Lindita!” Ha! Ha! No wonder it took me a while to recognise he was calling me. He’s very affectionate towards me and kisses my cheek as is the Spanish way. He’s waiting for the barber’s shop to open and is having coffee at the little street bar managed by a Chinese family. I show him my recent drawings and the Chinese bar manager spots this and is very impressed with them too. Today an American lady also remarked as she passed my chair in another waterfront bar that, “ Your drawing is gorgeous!” Well that was nice of her. One of my drawings is actually of this little place with it’s white umbrellas, the palm trees and the post office, the Correos, in the background. I’m pleased with it because I worked hard to arrange the composition before I started the collage. When I showed it to one of the waiters there he passed it around all of the staff and they each came by my chair at some point to tell me that they thought I was a very good artist! Very sweet to have such nice comments. I didn’t stay long because I can’t drink too much beer any more, and it was definitely beer I wanted but I’m an absolute lightweight and also I’m starting to swelter in the heat! I will make a mental note to read this again in the middle of the long dark winter ahead in Scotland!